Console security

Console security — is the protection of real estate objects using modern alarm systems, monitoring the state of protected objects and the dispatch of rapid response teams upon receipt of an alarm signal at the USS Security central security console.

The technical security service is based on the use of an alarm system consisting of a sensor system that is connected to the USS Security centralized security console. The connection of sensors installed at the facility with the centralized security console is carried out both via wired communication lines and via a GSM channel.

Patrol crews equipped with all necessary means to perform official tasks provide prompt response to the alarm signal around the clock.

In the event of an "alarm" signal being received by the USS Security centralized security control panel, the nearest patrol crew is sent to the scene of the incident. After finding out the reasons for the activation of the alarm, the operator of the centralized security control panel contacts the client or a contact person authorized by him and informs him about the incident. If necessary, state services are called to the object: police, ambulance, fire protection, etc.

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