May 11th-13th in Kiev, was held an international amateur men’s doubles tennis tournament USS Open 2012. USS Open held in Ukraine for the second time, and its organizers are the, USS Security, Ukrainian tennis club and the Kiev Cigar Club.

The tournament has a proprietary format and apply for it could not everyone, only invited amateur tennis players. It was difficult to say that the participants of the tournament are amateurs or not professionals. Despite the hot weather and scorching sun, rivals to the last drop of sweat fought for each set.

However, as the audience did not have to be bored. Excellent catering, good service and attentive staff made sure that no one of the participants are not tired of creation sport fighting. In the USS Open tournament was attended by 60 people. On the first day – May 11th, on the court could not get all of the alleged players, because this date fell on a Friday – Shabbat. However, the organizers provided this, and for the final players set-off were just the best results, so missed due to the Shabbat day had no effect on the distribution of seats in the scoreboard.

Tournament formula allowed each participant to play with as large as possible number of partners. And that, besides the pleasure of the game, allowed to make new, useful, and often quite accurate, pleasant acquaintance. After all, nothing so brings together as game in the same team!

If on the first day of competition the players warmed up only, closer to the final battle became more fierce. In the end, I place and the cup of the main tournament USS Open won Andrei Shestakov, II place went to Dmitri Glushenko, and “bronze” – Eugene Pilipenko. However, if some of the players were upset that they is not got the main cup of the tournament, all the sadness was gone during the wonderful gala dinner, which remembered the beautiful and friendly atmosphere.

Looking forward for the tournament next year, and hope that the tournament organizers will continue to delight and surprise players as good as it was in USS Open 2012.

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