The range of security services provided by USS Security is quite large – it’s physical security and stationary objects, tracking of cargo, physical security of trading institutions, technical security, security education and government institutions. Currently, one out of the dynamically developing directions of the USS Security is the protection of trade institutions.

Activities Division of trading institutions USS Security are implemented in such Ukrainian cities as Kiev and the region, Obukhov, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Vinnytsya, Uman, Netishyn, Kamenetz-Podolsk, Rivne, Truskavets Drogobych, Kiev.

The main indicators of the division of trade institutions is to minimize the loss of inventory, and the implementation of the trading process. The main causes of loss of inventory in retail establishments are theft and embezzlement.

Despite the availability of commercial institutions of modern technical means of security – CCTV, electronic control of a crucial role in detecting burglary and theft is the human factor. So, for 9 months of physical security personnel division of trading institutions, USS Security averted more than 700 attempts at theft and found more than 200 attempts at theft of inventory.

Thanks to the efforts of the division of physical trading activities, loss of turnover at sites protected by USS Security does not exceed the level of leading European countries. This result confirms the validity of collective action in carrying out tasks to minimize losses of inventories.

The team has achieved the best result of trading activities in the cities of Obukhov and Vinnitsa, where the results of the last quarter of rediscount losses were minimal among all the protected objects.